Q: Can I choose the Scriptures?
A: We have pondered this option. Several reasons have led us to say no at this time: we would have to vet each Scripture, customers could think they are required to pick their own Scriptures, and we would have to charge more to cover the extra time incurred.

Q: Can I tell you something about the person I'm giving this to, so you can hand-pick some Scriptures to meet their need?
A: That sounded like a good idea to us until we realized it would introduce lengthy delays associated with poring over the list for “just the right verse.” And what if we didn't have “just the right verse”? Thankfully, our list contains verses that apply to all believers no matter what situation they find themselves in.

Q: Why do the words not always match what's in my Bible?
A: This happens for several reasons. First, there are a variety of translations from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. As you know, getting words and thoughts from one language to another can result in various ways of saying the same thing. Second, the thought contained in the scripture is what our list is about. Sometimes it is word-for-word. Sometimes it is not. Think about what is being said instead of the exact words it is being said with.

Q: How do you handle letters such as “X”? My Strong's concordance says there's only one word that starts with X: Xerxes.
A: You're right. We saw that in our Strong's as well. We had to take some liberty with the letter “X”. We have phrases like Xperiences hope, Xtols God, Xceeds in gladness, and Xalts the Lord. That's the best we've come up with so far. If you have any better ideas, please send them to blessdnameart+ideas@gmail.com.

Q: Are the designs really unique?
A: We like to believe so. We draw from a rather large list of Scriptures (over 200 at the moment). We use a random number generator to pick these. Multiply that by the 14 designs we currently have, and we like to think the odds that two will be exactly alike are extremely low. (See the video on our home page for a 1-minute behind-the-scenes look at how we do this.)

Q: Where do you get your artwork?
A: Our backgrounds are either photos we took ourselves or are AI-generated to match a certain aesthetic we are after. To date, Eddie has taken all the photos we've placed on our products. Eddie also designs the name art himself using a combination of word processing and vector graphics software. (He used to use page layout software, but automation options were limited.) We do not use stock photography. This is art we have created: start to finish (unless you don't count AI). You will not find our art anywhere else: it is truly unique.

Q: Wait a minute! This sounds like print-on-demand!
A: We would have appreciated that in the form of a question, but we'll answer anyway. The reason it sounds like it's print-on-demand is because it is. We've not taken any measures to hide that. Bonus points for picking up on it. We're not sure why it's an objection, though. Stephanie had the original idea, and Eddie is our photographer and designer (and chief theologian). What we are not is physical product manufacturers. Our products are the curated Scripture list, the art, and the resulting design. We aim to put them on a variety of products you will cherish and use, and print-on-demand affords us that ability.

Q: What's with the prices?
A: Our pricing includes our cost in time to design the product, cost to produce the product, taxes (where required), and shipping. The only extra line item we charge is a small “shipping” charge to help cover the card processing fees (currently $1.25), and we only charge that because the selling platform requires us to charge a shipping fee. We don't nickel and dime. We know from our own experience how many times we have abandoned shopping carts because of large shipping charges, and we don't want that to be your experience.